Learning Process

Critical Reasoning Essays: Select one of the following five topics and prepare a multi- paragraph essay (at least four paragraphs). Include results from class materials, readings and research on the topic. Submit your paper via the assignment portal on Canvas. Papers that are submitted before the Essay Review date on the calendar, will receive feedback. Papers (essays) can be submitted as often as you would like before the completion due date on the calendar

Question being answered for this specific topic: Learning Process
Describe how learning is accomplished from stimuli to processing. Here you dont have to be specific with the neural pathways if you choose not to, but you do have to identify the brain components responsible for learning. What I am looking for is that you understand the different components, modalities, and how to optimize your time to learn material presented during your academic career.

Essay Format

Proper APA citation of article. This includes author/s (last name/s first), date of publication, article title, name of journal, and
Four paragraphs: Introduction discussion on what the disorder is and state your hypothesis (e.g. bipolar disorder has a genetic factor); support your hypothesis –using the text and any other scholarly material (at least one reference must be other than the text); identify a fictional character, and provide support using the DSM-5 criteria for your support; provide a treatment plan.

Herrera, R.  (2020) Introduction to psychology, In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from http://noba.to/qucwbg6h

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