
Research Essay

You are asked to write a research paper of 2,500 to 3,500 words on the following topic:
Cosmopolitanism as a way of understanding a sense of belonging in the contemporary, globalized world.
Your essay will take a position on this topic and formulate a research question that the essay will then address. In your essay you will explicate the various positions taken in the literature on this topic, within a certain range, as they relate to your question, take a critical position on such literature, where workable and  formulate a problematic of cosmopolitanism.  You will then address the problematic in the argument that you put forward.

Select at least four of the articles we have read in class as the basis for your essay and then select at least three more articles that inform your essay in some way from your own literature search.
All seven articles will be included in your Literature Review.

Expository Essay: what it does
An expository essay is one where you:
1. identify an idea, issue, problem or concept;
2. lay it out the positions that writers take on the subject;
3. evaluate/critique such positions;
4. set up your own argument, drawing selectively and critically on the positions above;
5. conclude.

Expository Essay: layout
1. Title page (approved)
2. Abstract (approx. 150-200 words)
3. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
4. Methodology (1 paragraph)
5. Literature Review (approx. 1,000 words)
6. Position/argument/discussion (approx. 1,000 words)
7. Conclusion (1 paragraph)
8. Reference List

The four of the articles we had read in class.

1. Cosmopolitanism: How To Be a Citizen of the World. Mother Jones.
2. The Urgency of a Cosmopolitan Ideal as Nationalism Surges.
3. Hamid Dabashi. Being a Muslim in the World. Palgrave Macmillan.
4. The class consciousness of frequent travelers: Toward a critique of actually existing cosmopolitanism.

Three External Articles.
1. Cosmopolitanism: A philosophy for global ethics.
2. Transnational citizenship: problems of definition, culture and democracy.
3. On cosmopolitanism and forgiveness.
* the proposal of the essay
* the annotated bibliography of the essay
*  the rubric file
* the informations file

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