Cognitive Bias Paper

Identify and explain three times in your life thatyour judgment has been affected by a form of cognitive bias.  Your first example needs to be confirmation bias. The other two are your choice.

APA formatting must be used on the cover page, body of paper and reference page.  You do not need to provide an abstract.  See Canvasfor a sample paper written in APA7format. Please note: you will need a definition for each of your 3 cognitive biases. This definition needs to come from a legitimate source, and you will need to list this source, in APA format, on yourreference page.There are documents in the Papers folder on Canvasto assist you in this, whether your source is the textbook, an online scientific journal, or a website.You will need to cite your definitions in APA format.  Put the definition in quotesand the full citation on the reference page.You should always use the best source available, so if your cognitive bias is defined in the textbook, cite the textbook.

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