Federal Bureau of Investigation: Capstone Project: Draft Literature Review

Assignment 2: Capstone Project: Draft Literature Review
After gathering all of your resources and making notes, it is time to start writing your literature review. While this may seem like an easy task after all the work you have completed, it involves tedious analysis of the resources you have found and careful consideration of the insights and findings of each resource. For this Assignment, you write the first draft of your literature review based on the resources and outline you created for your Capstone Project.

To complete:

Using your resources from Week 5, additional resources you have found, and your literature review outline, write a 12 page draft literature review. The literature review should include a minimum of 2025 relevant scholarly articles, research reports, and/or other academic sources. Be sure to follow the literature review guidelines provided in the Machi and McEvoy text.

Reminder: Use APA guidelines for citations and formatting.
After gathering all of your resources and making notes, it is time to start writing your literature review. While this may seem like an easy task after all the work you have completed, it involves tedious analysis of the resources you have found and careful consideration of the insights and findings of each resource. For this Assignment, you write the first draft of your literature review based on the resources and outline you created for your Capstone Project.

To complete:

Using your resources from Week 5, additional resources you have found, and your literature review outline, write a 12 page draft literature review. The literature review should include a minimum of 2025 relevant scholarly articles, research reports, and/or other academic sources. Be sure to follow the literature review guidelines provided in the Machi and McEvoy text.

Note: In addition to the 1012 resources you located for Week 5, you must locate another 1012 resources in order to meet this Assignments minimum requirement of 2025 resources.

Reminder: Use APA guidelines for citations and formatting.

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