Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Content

To complete the recommendation report you need to conduct some more in-depth research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) AND methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue. Conduct a Boolean search via the College Library electronic databases to locate at least 3 scholarly or trade journal articles that discuss the issue and methods to address the issue. Finally, using your 3 sources prepare an annotated bibliography in APA format, so that the instructor can evaluate your sources for the recommendation report.

1- Click on the attached links to access your lecture notes.
2- Conduct a Boolean search via the College Library electronic databases AND the Internet to locate your data for the report.
3- View this video on how to read a scholarly journal article.
4- After you have located and read your data for the recommendation report you are ready to create an annotated bibliography in APA format. (click on the attached links to view a sample annotated bibliography and a grading rubric).
5- View the videos for guidance on writing the annotated bibliography.
6- View the tutorial for the APA citation generator website, THEN visit the website to create the citations for the annotated bibliography.

***Submit your assignment as a MS Word file to this dropbox by Tuesday of Week 5.

Watch Video
Annotated Bibliography Lesson Part 1
Duration: (3:31)
User:  Danielle De  Jager- Loftus  –  Added:  1/28/14
YouTube URL:

Watch Video
Annotated Bibliography Lesson Part 2
Duration: (5:22)
User:  Danielle De  Jager- Loftus  –  Added:  1/31/14
YouTube URL:

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