Mgt 302 case2 mod2

Module 2 – Case
Assignment Overview
As in some of the other assignments in this course, you will draw upon your personal experience for this Module 2 Case Assignment.

For the assignment, you will consider the topic of employee motivation. There are many ways to impact employee motivation, such as with job enrichment or rotation, work-life balance, flexible work hours, job sharing, telecommuting, employee recognition and empowerment, and financial incentives.

You will prepare a presentation that proposes options to motivate employees at your company. It is important that employees are involved in decisions that impact them; therefore, your employees will vote on adopting one or more of these motivation tools.They will choose the motivation tools that are the most meaningful to them.

Alternatively, you can write an essay of 3 full pages or a recorded 10-minute speech with outline. You can use the list of motivation tools already provided, but if you do, please add one or two more of your own ideas to the list. Talk with your own HR manager about what they feel is wanted by the employees where you work. (You will select 5 of these topics to put into your assignment submission.)

For an overview of some important current issues regarding workplace motivation, such as telecommuting and working remotely, read the following articles:

Aleksi-Gliovi, M., Jerotijevi, G., & Jerotijevi, Z. (2019). Modern approaches to employee motivation. Ekonomika, 65(2), 121-133. doi:10.5937/ekonomika1902121A. Available in the University Online Library.

Elvie, M. (2019). The influence of organizational culture, compensation and interpersonal communication in employee performance through work motivation as mediation. International Review of Management and Marketing, 9(5), 133-140. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Judge, T. A., & Zapata, C. P. (2014, July 21). The personsituation debate revisited: effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the big five personality traits in predicting job performance. The Academy of Management Journal, 58(4). Available in the Online Library.

Case Assignment
In the background materials, you read about some very traditional theories of motivation such as Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory. Now you will connect those theories to your own experiences in the workplace. Access this audio to learn more about motivation.

Begin with some personal reflection. Consider a time at work when you felt highly motivated. Think about exactly what motivates you personally. Can you apply Maslows and Herzbergs theories to yourself?

For this assignment, you will discuss these ideas in a hypothetical situation in which you are offered the opportunity to develop a presentation, an essay, or a recorded speech with outline that introduces employees to tools your company may adopt to increase employee motivation.

For this Module 2 two-part Case Assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, essay, or a recorded speech with outline of the following topic as Part 1 of the assignment:

Your employer has asked for your assistance in the creation of a presentation to the employees regarding tools your company will adopt to increase employee motivation. You have come up with 5 tools that you feel will motivate the employees to complete their work in a satisfactory manner, leading to meeting organizational goals.

Part 1:

Your presentation should cover the following:

What are 5 tools managers and organizations use to motivate their employees? Include a short discussion of which of the two theories (Maslow or Herzberg, or both) addresses each tool on the appropriate slides notes page.
What can employees do to motivate themselves?
What motivates you to complete your own work?
Are you motivated according to the theory of Maslow or Herzberg?
If you select the PowerPoint option, your presentation must contain at least 10 slides (including at least a cover slide, five slides for the five tools, two slides for self-motivation, Maslow and Herzberg, and reference list) but you can have more. Use in-text citations and a reference list, with at least two high-quality scholarly references from the Online Library. High-quality references are academically peer-reviewed journals or text books. The citations can be inserted onto the notes pages rather than on the actual slides. Please watch this video on how your presentation should be formatted.

Note 1: Refer to the Writing Guide or Purdue OWL APA Guidelines for reference formatting guidelines.

Note 2:  A simple way to come up with headings is to take the assignments questions and shorten them to a few words. For instance, I would format the questions in this assignment into the following headings:

5 Tools
My Motivators
Maslow or Herzberg

If you opt to do an essay, it must be at least three full pages, not counting the coverage or reference pages. You will need two high-quality references from the Trident Online Library for this assignment, too. If you opt to do a speech, it must last 10 minutes and your submission must include an outline. Note that an outline contains points you will cover in the speech, but it does not contain full paragraphs of information. For any option, your speaking points must be on each slides note page.

Part 2:

In part two, after reviewing your motivator factor test results, look up one set of the following two company duos online:

Option 1. Amazon and Zappos
Option 2. CVS and Walgreens
You are looking for commentary about how they motivate their employees (from their website, annual report, Facebook, GlassDoor, or news articles about the companies). Taking your research results into account, can you work for a company with that type of employee motivation tools?

This part of the Case assignment only needs to be one or two paragraphs that answers that question. Plan ahead to spend some time researching the two companies.

Upload your assignment to the Case 2 Dropbox. Be sure to review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 15%, you need to review the report and add any missing citations as noted on the report.

Assignment Expectations
The Case papers in this course will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the Case rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

Assignment Requirements: Does the paper directly address all aspects of the assignment? Have the assignment instructions been followed closely?
Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate a college level of analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module?
Writing and Assignment Organization: Is the essay logical, well organized and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for college-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?
Use of Sources and Mechanics: Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by students use of relevant and quality sources? Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the References page?
Timeliness: Has the assignment been submitted to the Dropbox on or before the modules due date?

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