Appreciation Paper

To reinforce the learning opportunities provided by our Guest Experts, I am asking you to provide appreciation for what you remember most, what was most impactful and/or what you remain curious about when it comes to at least five of the seven Guest Experts we have had visit our class this semester.Your comments will also allow me to send a detailed letter of appreciation to each of the Guest...
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course work

  use the link below and watch each of the videos in the folder. Then respond with feedback on the videos 3 sentences max for each of the videos.make Sure  you indicate in the doc which comment that corresponds  with the
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Brand Strategy

Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.~ -- Marty Neumeier2.4 The Brand Strategy CanvasObjectivesUnderstand the creative process when it comes to developing a brandBuild a greater knowledge base for the brand strategy tools including research, creative, and creative decision-making in the branding processExplore and research an entertainment brand to dissect...
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Business Model

"A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value." Alexander Osterwalder~ goal of the company overview peer review assignment is for the student to be able to easily communicate the students new entertainment business model using the business model canvas format and give feedback to two other students' business models using the RISE Feedback...
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Brand Analysis

A brand is a persons gut feeling about a product, service, or company. Its not what YOU say it is. Its what THEY say it is.~ Marty Neumeier, The Brand GapObjectivesConduct market research and be able to identify the main trend in your specific industry using the PEST Analysis method of research. This week's discussion board will focus on how market research is used to differentiate brands....
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Political Systems

Directions: Choose two (2) of the six prompts listed below and write a short-answer essay in response. Essays are expected to be approximately 1-2 typed pages each (single-spaced). Please list the number of each prompt you are answering.1)    Discuss the historical basis for the division between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Why do you think this problem is still unresolved, even after...
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course work

1. Write three (3) key lessons you learned from this case study for the ibm case study.2.Based on the case you study and your knowledge of Porter's 5 forces model, conduct industry analysis for DeBeer's management (100 words or less) (you can search up porter 5 force model online. 3.Conduct a VRIN analysis for any of the firms mentioned in the case. Mention the name of the firm first. Identify...
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Poem analysis

integrate a response to one of the literary critiques read (Dubois, Locke or Hughes) and use one of the poems weve read post-slavery to illuminate your response(a negro love song, when malindy sings, we wear the mask, little brown baby) . (For example, This paper will explore my agreement with Dubois contention that all art is propaganda by utilizing the humanism in Negro Love Song.) So, really,...
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Juvenile Justice Administration

Over the course of the semester, groups have worked towards developing their "ideal" juvenile justice system.  At our final class meeting, each group will present its juvenile justice system to the class.Decisions will need to be made about JJS related school practices, law enforcement, pre-trial procedures, types of diversion programs, court processes,  and dispositions. Most of the...
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RE: Week 7 Discussion(BUS 335)

When we explore the concept of internal recruiting, we are really examining opportunities for current employees to progress up or laterally within the organization.  From the organization's perspective, selecting current employees to fill new requirements allows the organization to get a known performer quickly into a critical position.  When we examine internal recruiting, we also must...
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