
Read Chapters 1-2 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Robert D. Hisrich and Claudine KearneyWEEK #1 SCENARIO: FACEBOOK (p. 3)At beginning of each chapter of the text, a scenario about a company is presented relative to its situation involving innovation.  Each week, you are to choose one of the scenarios that were presented in one of the chapters that were assigned as reading...
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Supreme court decisions

Read "Keepers of the Covenant or Platonic Guardians? Decision Making on  the Supreme Court" (attached)2. Summarize the article in no more than 3 pages including:          a. Identify and summarize in your own words the main argument or position of the article. (5 points)          b. Discuss the methodology used by the authors.  (5...
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Throughout the semester, as we discuss the various components of e-Commerce, you will start to build your own e-commerce website. Think and explore a business side and answer the following questions as given in the template. Please upload the Word document when completed. 1. What is your business idea?    2. What is the value proposition?    3. Is it a product...
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Remote Desktop Protocol

Description: Students must complete a final project worth 100 points and choose a subject relatedto one or more topics covered in this course. The purpose of the research project is to helpstudents think about problems and their connections to the various methodological issues that weface in the industry.Paper format: 1.5 spacing; separate title page including name, title, and date; page numbers;...
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Discussion Classical and Contemporary Perspectives in Social Psychology

When responding to classmates, address them by name so lines of communication don't get confused.  Your responses must be thoughtful and substantive.  A mere question, opinion, piece of advice, or affirmation of a previous post will not suffice for active participation.  You need to critically oppose or expand your classmates ideas.  Responses can focus on many things, such...
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Investigate the use of mobile apps in the financial services, healthcare, and insurance industries.  Select an app from each industry and prepare a brief summary in no more than three paragraphs on your findings; include a picture of the app while answering. Please also be prepared to discuss your findings in class.
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Discussion- Classic and Contemporary Perspectives

REad Chapters 1 - 2  of Classic and Contemporary Psychology Perspectives by Sharon Preves and Jeylan Mortimer. Please post one concept from the readings that interests you.  Define it and then briefly apply it, explain why it interests you, or explain how you may use it in a class paper or even in your life outside of class.  These are little posts, generally just 1-4...
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Th Real CSI Response

Prompt: As you watch the Frontline Documentary The Real CSI, take notes and look for how you will answer the prompt below. Be sure to also read the related content links. You will scroll down below the video and click on the links under the Related heading.The related content links are organized around three big questions. Write a paper in which you (a) provide a comprehensive answer to each...
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Established Norms and Rules

Read chapters 1-2 of Classic and Contemporary Perspectives in Social Psychology by Sharon Preves and Jeylan MortimerPart of our "constructed" social world includes norms and rules around the "exchange of attention."  When we go to a doctor, lawyer, or counselor, we formally pay for their attention, and they are legally obligated to provide a specific type of attention.  When we go to a...
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