principles of operations management

choose an individual product or service ITEM (not a line or company) and undertake a critical analysis of thefollowing:1. A competitor and consumer behaviour analysis (20%)2. Marketing mix analysis (45%)3. Segmentation, targeting and positioning analysis (35%)The product or service item must be available for sale in 2020/2021, and the most up to date sources and references as possible used to...
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Essentials of marketing

The submission must be in report format, i.e. using headings, subheadings, diagrams, tables, models, frameworks, narrative and bullet-points andreferences. The word count ONLY EXCLUDES the cover sheet, title page (not the executive summary), contents page, appendices and reference list.EVERYTHING else is included in the word count. choose an individual product or service ITEM (not a line or...
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State countries in which your selected industry is the least and worst affected (McCormick & Company)

Hi:) let me show you the class instruction first.Prepare a report on one of the industries listed below. Choose a company in this industry for detailed analysis and its stock market performance in the pre-Covid-19 and during Covid-19.- Rental car industry- Electronics Industry- Food Industry our group choose this one (McCormick & Company)-Transport (Car, Airlines) Industry- Hotel...
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Irish Healthcare System

In 2018, a report of the European Commission on European Healthcare systems categorised Ireland as a National Healthcare System. In disagreement with this classification, scholars, such as Dukelow and Considine (2017) and Thomas et al. (2020) described Ireland as a de facto mixed or duplicate system. Compare and contrast these two perspectives and evaluate to which extent one provides a more...
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rich vs poor countries

his modules topic is: "Why are some countries rich and others poor and how does globalization of markets affect rich and poor countries?"Please submit to me as an attachment a MINIMUM of 500 word, single spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font response. Make sure and include both citations and references, including the textbook if it is used. References may be included on an additional page.
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understanding of ethnicity and race enrich the health practitioners role in service provision

How can having an understanding of ethnicity and race enrich the health practitioners role in service provision? In your answer, illustrate your using the example of health issues experienced by Travellers. Discuss how social factors (such as socioeconomic position, social support/social stress and racism, biological factors, behavioural factors, cultural factors, and access to and use of health...
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. Write an essay about Who is the real tragic hero in Julius Caesar Choose title

. Write an essay about Who is the real tragic hero in Julius Caesar?". First write the outline of the essay according to the classwork attachment in the file. Then write the essay. Please follow the attachments to know how to write both outline and the essay. The essay includes Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion. You can find the instructions in the file. MLA format.
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Fail Star

Please read the Case Study: The Cause of the Failed Star and answer the following questions in a one page paper:How does Jake's comparing himself to other children reflect typical social and personality development in middle childhood?What parenting style do Jake's parents seem to have adopted, and how is this affecting Jake's view of himself?Why doesn't Jake believe his parents when they say...
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Health Care Law

Write an essay about workplace laws. Summarize at least two of the regulations or workplace lawsthat health care professionals need to know as they relate to the profession. These may be regulations or laws that are to protect the employee, protect a patient, or protect both.Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed sources. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion.Your essay...
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The Importance of the Right to a jury trial according to the U.S. Constitution

The Importance of the Right to a jury trial according to the U.S. Constitution. Use legal terms from the constitution and reference case law. While you are primarily addressing the topic selected, you may want to discuss or expand on the topic, a case dealing with the subject, or a current event from the news or Internet, and present your viewpoint or perspective on that item as it relates to the...
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