
Your final paper submission will be 6 - 8 pages, double-spaced, and 12-pt font; this will comprise the previous four sections, with the addition of Introduction and Conclusion sections. You should revise your previous sections, as necessary based on any instructor feedback for those assignments. (Note: your grade for those sections will not be revised.) The expectation is that this paper...
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food systems resilience and equity

For this assignment, choose a topic that interests you and that is broadly related to food systems resilience and equity. You may build on themes from your first paper, while also growing into new areas and questions for investigation. Some framing that you might consider or that might spur other ideas: Delve into a food systems vision or possible future(s) of food systemsUnpack a specific food...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

l) Choose a short passage (no more than five sentences or less) or summarize a larger section with some key quotations, and consider what kind of artist does the passage represent? What must the artists motivation be?  What is the artists relationship to society and culture?  Does the artist have a spiritual goal?  A social goal?  An economic goal?  Other? Must be...
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food systems resilience and equity

For this assignment, choose a topic that interests you and that is broadly related to food systems resilience and equity. You may build on themes from your first paper, while also growing into new areas and questions for investigation. Some framing that you might consider or that might spur other ideas: Delve into a food systems vision or possible future(s) of food systemsUnpack a specific food...
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We have seen how COVID-19 is devastating countries and communities across the globe. From what have witnessed during the past year, we are in need of more efficient technologies than ever. Perhaps we rethink how money is spent. Suppose you are the head

Write a page and half, use times new roman, font size 12, and 1.5 line spacingWe have seen how COVID-19 is devastating countries and communities across the globe. From what have witnessed during the past year, we are in need of more efficient technologies than ever.  Perhaps we rethink how money is spent. Suppose you are the head of a nonprofit organization which determines the funding...
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module 5

Your task is to write a 1-2 page paper describing your plan to encourage Mr. Carefrees engagement in Peggys education. Use the strategies you learned in the Online Lecture Best Practices in Family Engagement to create your plan.Your paper should:Describe your plan to communicate with Mr. Carefree.Describe the communication strategy you would use.Include an example of how you would explain to Mr....
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Setting: A free medical clinic that provides health care for the under-insured.Your next patient, Michelle G., age 40, is a regular of the clinic and the last patient of the day. The chart states she is here for recent episodes of shortness of breath. You enter the room and Michelle G is dressed in work clothes, standing up looking at a health poster on the wall. You introduce yourself and ask...
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week 2 discussion

Please read the Sweet Leaf Tea case study found on pages 69 -71, in Argenti. (BTW, you will have to read this case study for your weekly written assignment, this is doing double duty for you.)Discuss questions 2 & 5 at the end of the case study. These questions are closely tied so you should be able to generate a single, thoughtful response.
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyze TWO SPECIFIC statements Berman makes (which you convey buy quoting these statements and using IN-TEXT CITATION) regarding how indie rock has the capability of imparting spirituality and transcendence to the audience and the audiences response.As you discuss each statement, COMPARE THE STATEMENT to exact words that Kandinsky states in Concerning the Spiritual in Art or refute these by...
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