Any topic (writer’s choice)

People have the tendency to see other cultures from their own point of view. They acknowledge their own culture and its behaviors as the normall other cultures are seen as foreign, or even secretive.  In this unit's reading, we look at critical incident analysis (CIA) that helps support an unbiased response to cultural variances by allowing managers to demonstrate empathy related to other...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Culture as an Iceberg illustrates 3 levels of culture: Cultural Makeup That Is Visible, Cultural Makeup We Are Aware Of, and Cultural Makeup We are Unaware Of.  These three dimensions of the cultural iceberg are made up subjective and objective components.  Discuss the following:Discuss one subjective and one objective dimensions of culture from each level.  Explain how leaders are...
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Here's what you'll need to include:Main screening(s): Choose one or more films and/or television episodes that will serve as the focal point of the unit.  You cannot choose something that is already in the syllabus, but you can choose a different episode from a series that's covered (for example, you could choose a different episode of Black Mirror).  Briefly summarize the screening(s)...
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Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles: The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the various parenting styles that contribute to social and personality development in children, as well as their respective outcomes. Paragraph for eacha) Define and evaluate the 4 primary parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, uninvolved) b0 Explain how these parenting styles affect your social/personality...
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3C Journal Analysis

Analysis of 2 articles from your chosen publication and mainstream media Compare in detail this publications coverage of two or three stories that also appeared in "mainstream" outlets. How did this publication cover them differently? What did that difference reveal? How did it serve to exercise the function of the publication as a convener of community or identity? What distinct voice does this...
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Citizen Journalism

Respond to one of the following questions, then write a response to at least 2 classmates' submission.1. "Supporters of citizen journalism argue it provides independent, accurate, reliable information that the traditional media dont provide. While it has its place, the reality is it really isnt journalism at all, and it opens up information flow to the strong probability of fraud and abuse. The...
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Discussion Board 5

Deliverable Length: 400-600 wordsYou are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health, whose sole responsibility is to advance the success of the organization through assisting in planning, forecasting, and finance management. The chief executive officer (CEO) of Krona has asked that you complete the following:Explain how revenue cycle influences the building of the new...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

As part of the reading, the problem of unfocused strategies was explored. One of the main pitfalls is trying to be all things to all stakeholders. In other words, trying to please everyone may end up pleasing no one. Reflect on a project youve worked on either in your coursework or professional life where there was no focused strategy, and the team leader (possibly yourself) was simply trying to...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reading the case E-commerce at Yunnan Lucky Air, reflect on the challenges of the organization as they relate to costs. Analyze the costs and, using specifics, develop a cost-centered business strategy for the airline to move forward as a profitable firm. Devise a tactic to differentiate the firm and to support the cost-focused strategy you developed. How can the tactic be implemented...
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Legalization of Marijuana

Research Paper and Process: Students will produce a specific, unified, developed, organized, and coherent research paper of 1800-2400 words using at least EIGHT sources, both print and non-print. Students will show competency in a research paper process of choosing and narrowing topics, collecting sources from indexes, creating a working bibliography, taking notes from sources, using sources in...
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