use the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model to analyze a historical economic downturn in the United States

In this paper, you will use the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model toanalyze a historical economic downturn in the United States. By historical, Imean an event that occurs prior to 2020 and excludes the 2007-2009 recession.You need to choose a business cycle downturn from the list of historical downturns at the following link: paper should be divided into two...
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Technology addiction

One thing to keep in mind is that this needs to be linked directly to our capstone theme - so in talking about addiction, you need to specify what type of addiction (and it should be related to technology). I can see how the two aspects go hand in hand (destigmatizing and raising visibility), but if you choose to integrate both, you need to make sure that you can do so and fully develop your...
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Living in South Florida has many advantages and also includes many disadvantages, including the persistent threat from hurricanes (link). From what you have learned from this class:

What causes hurricanes? What destroys hurricanes?What are scientists saying about the link of climate change and hurricane activity?With regards to our growing population, especially along the cost, why are we especially prone to huge losses when a hurricane hits?With regards to hurricanes and South Florida, if you were in a position to grant or deny building permits, what would be your chief...
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The idea of sending people to Mars in hopes of colonizing the planet has long been out of the realm of possibilities but big thinkers like Elon Musk are determined to keep trying (link).

what you have learned from this class:Why is Mars considered so inhospitable?What would be needed to ensure humans could survive on Mars? In particular, where would we get our food, our oxygen, our water and our energy?If you were tasked with sending people to Mars, give a time-line of how they would get there, what would they bring, how long would they stay and what advice you would give anyone...
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Statistic in Everyday life

Decisions we make in everyday life are all based on probabilitybut often in an intuitive way. For example, if a family member gets a positive screening for cancer or another disease, this is a probabilistic determination based on the measurement made. Similarly, when police arrest individuals or juries convict them, they do so based on probabilistic determinations (e.g., how likely is it that...
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Police brutality

Research paper topics would be1-  police brutality,  how police officers should be held accountable for their actions, you complete your paper assignment, which is due no later than April 20, 2021. Your paper should be about the topic Above. The paper must be at least six pages in length (including citation page).Your paper should follow APA formatting. The paper should be typed, double...
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the female vs male western narratives in hajj

The purpose of the paper is to look at travelogues from western people who made the Muslim pilgrimage (hajj) undercover and compare the narratives between the female writers and the male writers' experiences. I provided a list of the references that you should use; feel free to use other references from books but make sure you use the ones I provided. The essay is supposed to be of a comparative...
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The Novel Invisible Man

Topic 3: Your ChoiceWrite an essay in which you turn in toward the text using the tools of new criticism: imagery, symbolism, simile and metaphor, denotation and connotation; and/or turn in toward the text using the tools of deconstruction: repetition and opposition; And/or turn out toward the text using the lens of gender studies psychological theory, historicism, or new historicism.You may use...
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Draft for a paper on the play A Doll’s House

Revise your paragraph to includean opening sentence, if neededa thesis that gives your opinion about the topic (chosen from the list above)underline the thesisthe name of the author and the title of the play (italicize the title of the play)at least one quotation from the play with an in-text citationat least 150 wordsa final sentence that wraps up the paragraph and brings the paragraph to some...
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