An embarrassing experience

Assignment: In this in-class essay, narrate a personal experience which led to a realization, discovery, or change in your life; or an experience which led to a reevaluation of yourself or someone else.General Purpose: To narrate the event, but more importantly, to think critically about it and then to explain its significance so that others might understand and identify with your...
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business law

Hi my prof got this essay and he required further explanation about this paper. Feedback quoted at below:"Hello,Could you please tell me how you approached this essay project and tell me more about the references cited at the end of the essay ? Why did you choose these references and how did you find them ?Please send me an e-mail to the usual address <"So could u write about how you...
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Identifying a new export region

International Logistics, Inc. is a conglomerate based in the United States that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of high-tech equipment. It has seen a marked trend in the competitions exportation of goods around the world. As the manager of international logistics for this company, you have been asked by senior management to help identify a new export region. First, you must...
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select 2 advertisements within the same industry (e.g., YouTube, newspaper, TV, or radio). Write a 5-page analysis of each advertisement for your marketing report based upon the following criteria

The responsiveness of social media allows brands to more easily tailor their messages to suit the needs of the immediate moment, even while staying true to their images and product lines. As more people are staying home due to the recent pandemic, home improvement brands could emphasize the stress release of home improvement and the need to make homes seem like a refuge and an entertainment...
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thesis—-Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football.

thesis----Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football. -find people that think that basketball is not great or healthy or maybe people that like football better (need someone to argue with) -use interview or articles. issue---- is basketball healthier than football find our sources from stony brook library account- 5-8 sources(quality peer reviewd sources) intro opposing view...
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Answer each question with detail as instructed

Your attorney has recently interviewed Dr. Willard Smith, who suffered an anaphylactic reaction to a dye that was used when administering a diagnostic test designed to test his pulmonary capacity. Because he temporarily stopped breathing but was not treated for about 10 minutes (it took that long for the paramedics to get to him), he became comatose for several weeks and it was believed he was...
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Environmental Ethics

View one or more of the following YouTube TED Talks videos.Reflect on the issues discussed in the video(s) you viewed. Address the following points in your discussion post:What is the speaker's point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?Do you think that environmental issues have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?Do you...
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Barack Obama

1) 6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, size 12 font, use Microsoft word.2) A title page is required. It should include the following: the title of your paper, your name, date, my name. A works cited page is also required. I want you to use between 5-8 secondary or primary sources. The title page and the works cited page does NOT count as part of the 6-7 pages. You need 6-7 pages of content.3) In...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

2. In Illness as a Metaphor, Susan Sontag argues against the popular usage of military rhetoric to talk about cancer. Why is treating cancer, or disease in general, as an evil enemy problematic for Sontag?  In 50-100 words.3.Throughout Illness as a Metaphor, Susan Sontag shows how the imagery associated with tuberculosis and cancer reveals societal attitudes toward the diseases and people...
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Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT Analysis

Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT AnalysisPrior to beginning work on this assignment,Read:Chapter 9: Managing the Marketing Effect, Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of the course text, Principles of MarketingWatchHow to Use SWOT Analysis ( Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy ( week, you will...
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