Speech Review

Watch two TED videos and write 2-3 paragraphs (1/2 page) observations/comments for each video.1. - Why you should love statistics!2. Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?After viewing the video linked above, please write 2-3 paragraphs sharing what you learned and/or thought about the information presented. DO NOT simply repeat what was said, as I have already seen the video. I...
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Intercultural Communicati0n

Different cultures share similar categories of nonverbal message channels but use differing messages to communicate nonverbally. Focusing on three of these channelsbody language, personal space, and touch write a research paper that describes how your culture (standard american english background) uses these channels to communicate nonverbally and compare two other cultures use of these channels...
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unit 1 before 1877

People are often quick to note that they are being exploited but overlook their exploitation of others. In colonial British America, for instance, propertied colonials exploited Native Americans, African Americans and indentured servants; but by the time of the American Revolution these same colonials rebelled against the subservient status the British attempted to impose on the colonies. Using...
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Base on our team project-drone delivery (logistics industry),Write a paper:

Base on our team project-drone delivery (logistics industry),Write a paper: Various countries, companies and individuals around the world have been dealing with the covid-19 global pandemic for over a year now. The pandemic has clearly been causing considerable human and economic consequences, as well as, in the words of many, accelerating adaptations into the digital revolution by 10years faster...
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Social Media (Portfolio)

The research problem is Social media abuse that football players are susceptible to. Assignment Task and word count: A Research Plan describing your problem/issue, with a plan for collecting and analysing social media data (no more than 1,500 words). An Appendix of supporting evidence (screen shots, data samples etc.) showing that your research plan is feasible (all exhibits in the appendix must...
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Microeconomics Test

I have a microeconomic test soon and I need help with it. The test is on Feb 12, its a 50 min test.Course Objectives: As the first class in the micro sequence, Econ 100A is designed to teach you how to set up, solve, and analyze optimization models and apply these mathematical models to the theory of the consumer (commodity demand, labor supply, and consumption/savings decisions). Finally, we...
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Base on our team project-drone delivery (logistics industry),Write a paper

Base on our team project-drone delivery (logistics industry),Write a paper:Various countries, companies and individuals around the world have been dealing with the covid-19 global pandemic for over a year now. The pandemic has clearly been causing considerable human and economic consequences, as well as, in the words of many, accelerating adaptations into the digital revolution by 10years faster...
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Investigative Field Essay

(Minimum of 2,000 typed, polished words)This assignment asks you to explore the discourse of your declared, or prospective academic major, so that you can be a better, more engaged participant of this discourse community as you continue with your field of study. There are several elements that make up an investigative essay, including the fashioning of a research question, conducting primary and...
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Discussion Responses (Religions of Ancient Iran Course)

Please dedicate 1 page per response to each weeks readings. I have attached the readings that you will need. I have also provided a peer's sample answer for each weeks discussion. Please do not copy it but feel free to use it as inspiration. Week 1 Reading: Briant & Stolper Forgotten Empire extracts(1 page)Sample Response: What struck me most about this weeks readings is how power explains...
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Connecting Past and Present

Readings: TWE, Chap. 1, 25-33, and Chap. 2, 48-59, and YAWP Chap. 3, 54-61.This is a formal paper that "connects" at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in the...
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