
After reading chapter 5 answer the following questions in yourDiscussion Question #1.  What words would you use to describe the positive and negative dimensions of your organizations culture, or an organization with which you are familiar?  How can you explain the negative aspects of that organizational culture? Why have those dimensions developed in that way? What factors are causing,...
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M1.3 Tattoos in Culture (Week 3)This activity invites you to think critically about modern culture utilizing a mainstream featuretattoos. The assignment must be completed in two steps as presented below. You must post an initial response to the first part of the assignment before commenting on a post from someone else.STEP 1: Respond to the following prompt in a post between 200 and 400...
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Part 2: Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Paper

This weeks assignment is STEP 2 Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question.The student will answer the items below in a Word doc and submit to the assignment link.Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.Project Purpose Statement Provide a declarative sentence or two which summarizes the specific topic and goals of the...
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Unit VI Reflection Paper

InstructionsToday, you learned that your organization has a significant change initiative planned within the next 6 months. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you, the human resources (HR) director, to lead this change initiative. You will need to motivate your supervisors as they work directly with the employees; their role in this change will be critical. For this assignment, you will...
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Business Law – “Lawsuit” or “ADR”

Case Study: Frederick is a student at Central Fictional State University (CFSU), and he has a great idea for a new business invention. Frederick's invention and the business that he plans to found based on it will absolutely revolutionize the market and will make him very rich. He decides to share his idea with a few trusted professors, and he even uses the idea in a research project for one of...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Based on the textbook chapter 7&8, you should be able to discuss how your business case-study enterprise chose its current business strategy. You can also elaborate if there is/has been any noticeable change strategy. You can also explain whether implementing the business strategy was a success or a failure, and why? Textbook...
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Unit V Project

InstructionsFor this assignment, determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees. As you have determined that periodic evaluations can be more beneficial than annual evaluations, you will be evaluating the mid-level manager who you hired and who has now been on board for 6 months. Your process should include an appropriate evaluation tool and a means of...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

From reading the AHNA website, as you hear terms "Holistic Care, Holism", "Integrative Care", "Functional Medicine".  Answer these questions.Which of these terms/words resonate with you? Explain.Which of the terms/words would you like to learn more about? Explain.Which of the terms/word make you uncomfortable?  Explain.If you were to describe yourself now or as your practice develops,...
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Convergence – Divergence The academic discussion on the effects of globalization has been dominated in the last decades by the controversy between the convergence and divergence thesis. However new developments on globalization theory put into question t

Convergence - DivergenceThe academic discussion on the effects of globalization has been dominated in the last decades by the controversy between the convergence and divergence thesis. However new developments on globalization theory put into question the fruitfulness of keeping on analysing this two thesis as an absolute dichotomy. As an example, Gupta and Wang (2003)* discuss two further...
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summarize a peer reviewed research article on any topic in sports nutrition

Find a peer-reviewed research article on any topic concerning sports nutrition sports, then write a summary of the article.  Be sure to state the specific aims of the study as well as the study design and methods, the results and conclusions. A peer-reviewed research study has these sections: introduction, methods, results with figures and tables, and a conclusion.  The sections may not...
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