Read the PRO Act summary attached.Then find and read at least two other sources online about PRO Act.  You will find plenty of very biased sources.1. What are the three biggest changes this act would make to the NLRA?2. What are two reasons in favor of passing the bill?3. What are two reasons against passing the bill?4. Would you vote for or against the law?  Why?include links to your...
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Assignment: Yes, Im Serious Campaign

Assignment: Yes, Im Serious CampaignAiding important initiatives to gain state and national attention is an important part of professional nursing advocacy. One way to ensure effective advocacy is to contact and enlist the support of those in positions of power. In this Assignment, you will be presented with a typical fill-in-the-blank letter that often comes across the desks of those in the...
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Reflecting on Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reuired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!In your weekly course journal, you will reflect on prompts and consider what it may look like to reflect a Christian worldview within John. Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to reflect on your growth and understanding and perhaps consider course concepts a bit...
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Discussion Board # 5

Read and reflect on Fromkin(2017) page 33-49.In order to receive full points, your post must include an analysis of the reading(Moats 1998) (e.g., thoughtful question you have, connections with previous class content, other courses, personal experience, etc.). Summaries of the readings, without additional analysis, will not receive full credit.
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John 1321

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!Next, we will explore John 1321.Read and watch the following resources in order to better understand the second portion of John's Gospel:John 1321Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 386393Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Lamb of God (Links to an external...
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Hypothetical Interview with John

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!The purpose of this assignment series is to identify the particular and distinctive contributions of John's Gospel. To accomplish this, you will create an imaginary interview with John, and while some of the questions are provided below, you will provide what you think their...
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Have a think about what you would like to most learn, overall, during this course.  Take your time to doing this!  Even though the assignment is a total of 225 words, you need to provide reasons for your selection.  Develop a 75 word description for each of these 3 choices for your coursework: a publicly-traded Fashion Company you will analyze, a Country that you would like to do a...
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Current Events as They Relate to Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reqired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated.As Christians, we have a responsibility to view the world and its circumstances the way Jesus would. There is much in our society and the world as a whole that can sharpen our minds and our philosophies when it comes to this discipline. Applying the Gospel to what is happening...
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weekly reference

Hi,could you help me answer these questions, they could be generalized answers 1.  How did you assess the readiness of your patient and family member to learn? Identify any learning barriers; possible resolution to barriers. What content did you identify that you should teach your patient and/or family? What teaching strategies did you use?What teaching aides did you use?(Patient Education)...
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PechaKucha Presentation: Final

Your presentation using the PechaKucha approach will be uploaded here. Be sure to closely follow the instructions provided in PechaKucha Presentation: Introduction and upload your PowerPoint Show as an attachment in your initial discussion post here.To create your presentation in PowerPoint, follow the guidelines below. (These instructions relate to PowerPoint 2016. You may need to search the...
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