Learning Objectives:Analyze a business plan denoting areas for improvement in Marketing, Operations, E-commerce and Digital Media.Complete a project that closely mimics projects often performed by small business managers.Prompt:For your Final Assignment, review the business plan found in Chapter 16 Appendix of your textbook Small Business Management in the 21st CenturyYou have been hired as a...
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Persuasive InstructionsYou are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the graders DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to the course lessons and your own revision ideas. Always expect to revise beyond...
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It is now time to put your business plan together. Your plan should include the following (See attached for guidance):Part 1:Executive summary, company descriptionPart 2:Industry analysis & trends, target market, competition, strategic position & risk assessment, marketing plan, & sales strategyPart 3Operations, technology plan, management, & organizationPart 4:Development,...
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People are the key to success for your business. Complete the management section of your business plan, and share it here. It should include: your key personnel, line of authority, management style, and organization plan. Also share: What management strengths and weak points did you find? Why? How can you capitalize on your strengths? How can you improve upon your weak points? Why is this a...
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Hotel Resorts Operational Resources

Make sure that there is a flow in text. Please include abstract please see screenshotsTask: Individual Essay:In the context of a hotel resort and your knowledge of the subject areas studied in the Hotel Services Management unit, discuss how hotel resorts may combine appropriate facilities and organizational resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services to ensure customer...
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Team Leadership

Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you:Explain the importance of leadership to a team.Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style.Provide examples of how you incorporated those leadership practices within your team.Discuss leadership strategies the other managers can use to motivate their own teams.Summarize the challenges you...
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Assignment Prompt:This week you will develop an Exit or Harvesting Plan for the company you built a business model for in Week 6. There are many scenarios where a business owner would want (or need) to exit or downsize segments or product lines in his or her business, or possibly exit the entire business. Retirements, deaths, competitive changes, consumer needs, economic downturns, and loss of...
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In previous weeks, you went into the New York Times Small Business Case Study file and chose either an e-commerce or service related business to report on.  This week you will head back into the extensive list of small businesses case studies provided by the New York times and choose a product-oriented small business to describe the that business must plan for in order to assure continued...
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In previous weeks, you went into the New York Times Small Business Case Study file and chose either an e-commerce or service related business to report on.  This week you will head back into the extensive list of small businesses case studies provided by the New York times and choose a product-oriented small business to describe the that business must plan for in order to assure continued...
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For this week's assignment, you will be developing a Business Model for a business opportunity of interest to you.  Your discussion assignment this week is to describe your initial thinking about the business for which you have chosen to Model. To the extent you can, introduce your fellow learners regarding: (a) the products and/or services offered; the facilities, equipment, inventory, and...
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