statistics analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template.You will utilize the Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The links to the ToolPak are in the Excel ToolPak...
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A Report on Comoros

Write a report on the country of Comoros covering the following:    Education (both men and women)It is good to create your own standards such as looking at whether the education focused on providing skilled labor to the local market? To what extent does it contribute to improving the local economy? Is it oriented toward creating self-sufficiency? Does it work towards...
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Create an OSHA Standard on Nanoparticles

Answer and discuss the following:1. For NANOPARTICLES Discuss the hierarchy of controls, 2. For Nanoparticles discuss specific engineering controls that can be utilized and how those engineering controls eliminate or lowers exposures.  3. For Nanoparticles discuss PPE, discuss gloves for example, but is there one type of glove that is better than another?  If so, why? the need of...
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Business Management & Strategy

Read the article ( ) and preform a SWOTT analysisStrengths: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are stronger than its competitorsWeaknesses: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are weaker than its competitorsOpportunities: The issues internal and external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in a favorable wayThreats: The...
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Human Resources / Project Managment

Read the case study, its short 2 1/2 pages, and then answer the below questions:What are the differences between the levels of satisfaction that Al felt while working for the two different managers? Answer the question using Maslows hierarchy of needs.Analyze with Alderfers EGR theory the needs of Al that are not being met at his current job.Al began his current job with great enthusiasm;...
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LengthFall 2020Econ 3020First Draft GuidelinesThe first and final draft should be at least 4 pages, excluding the bibliography, graphs, tables, and other various visual aids. Your essay must be double spaced using Times New Roman 12-inch font.2. TopicYou can write your paper about any topic of interest you but is related to content from Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 in the textbook. This may...
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Stages of death

Please break down discussion two 275 words each. in the response please break down to discussion 1 and discussion 2. Response  could include sharing of similar or differing experiences, suggested solutions to challenges shared by peers, and/or sharing of scholarly information related to peers posts. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the...
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factors affecting career planning and development

write the introduction for your research paper. Your introduction should include at least five sentences, introduce your reader to the topic you have chosen to research, and provide a strong thesis statement. Conclude the first page by providing an outline for your final paper.In conclusion, you are creating a document that has two sections: introduction and outline.
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