America and the Rise of Neopopulism in the 21st Century

America is more divided today than at any time since the end of the Civil War. But why?In reaction to neoliberalism, the "War on Terror," increasing immigration, and the Great Recession in 2008, a new era of populism has arisen in America which has increasingly cast doubt on the wealth and power of American elites. American neopopulism since the 1990s is marked by an increasing skepticism of the...
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how john lewis stood for civil rights using non violence

Dr. King is honored for his work as one of the founders of the modern Civil Rights Movement  and is most often remembered for his I Have a Dream speech in Washington in 1963.  Starting with small-scale protests in the South in the mid-1950s, he built a diverse coalition of  Americans that fought with him for equity and human rights through peaceful protests. Countless other people...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Writing can be very challenging for ELLs. By being aware of how to scaffold instruction, we can help them acquire this domain to make themselves understood while writing. Respond to either the K-12 or adult learning questions, but not both.To structure your writing,Your audience will be a group of colleagues who are unfamiliar with these ideas or who need clarification and strategies to help with...
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The long European 19th century: the century of the individual?

This is an essay for the course "The Long European Nineteenth Century".Frist define why you think 19th century in Europe is a century for the individual or why you think it is not a century for the individual. Then use historical facts and thorough analyzation of these facts to support your argument. Attached file is the note of everything the teacher has covered this semester. Please have a look...
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Section III: Methods – Portfolio Milestone Mod 3

Provide a minimum of three credible resources to support your paper. As outlined in the Portfolio Report Checklist (located in the Course Information Module), Section III should be 1-2 pages in length and should contain the following:- Selection criteria: Specify study characteristics such as years considered, types of studies (e.g., quantitative and/or qualitative) for eligibility- Search...
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Macro and Micro Economics

TWO ESSAYS one on Micro and one on Macro: Essay #1 (Microeconomics): Introduction: We are living through an unprecedented time, what some are calling a once in a hundred years pandemic. This is affecting daily life, both at home and for many, also in the workplace. All people living in the U.S. have made adjustments. We have spent time sheltering in place to stop the spread of the covid-19 virus....
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Discuss the significance of the process and function of naming in Life of Pi

Length: 800-1000 words (~3 pages + separate works cited page, which does not count in your word count) Please prepare a well-argued, well-written, insightful, original essay.This essay also requires effective engagement with 2 external scholarly sources: (ie. critical books from University presses, scholarly articles, or scholarly historical sources, which may include those listed on the course...
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creative thinking

Why dont leaders engage in leadership development?  Discuss the importance of self-reflection and explain some of the ways in which leaders and/or followers can self-reflect. Describe ways in which leaders can effectively communicate and resolve conflict.  Compare and contrast various conflict management styles and discuss the relationship between power and influence.  Provide...
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During Cold War Period

Between 1945 and 1992, eight presidents led the United States during the Cold War and the nations struggle to contain communism from Harry Truman to George Bush. Which president, in your opinion, did the best job of conducting the Cold War?  Which president did the worst job?  In your answer, be sure to discuss specific events, laws, policies, strategies, or anything else you believe...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

In MLA format, write an essay about Dave Eggers The Circle, discussing how Mae's identity is affected by one of the following concepts that we discussed in class: simulacra and simulation; communist ideology/Marxism; panopticism/surveillance; gamification/external motivation. Remember to include a thesis statement near the end of your introductory paragraph, which should answer an implied...
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