Any topic (writer’s choice)

DirectionsProvide in-depth answers to the questions below. Final papers should be 1600-3200 words long. This is usually about four to six pages long, single-spaced; however you are held to the word count not number of pages. Longer is just fine. Once you start writing you will find it comes easier and faster and you will probably end up writing more than 1600 words. Unlike the homework, do not...
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Review Paper on the Play “On The Exhale” Written By Martn Zimmerman

Use the following sections as a starting point to writing your review paper on the play "On The Exhale" written by Martin Zimmerman, which needs to describe, interpret, analyze and evaluate different theatrical elements of the play and the production. Although you do not need to answer all of the questions, your review should address each theatrical element of the play and the production by...
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High School Completion and Financial Situation Satisfaction

Assessment 2 PRINTResearch ProposalDetailsAttempt 1AvailableAttempt 2NotAvailableAttempt 3NotAvailableToggle DrawerOverviewCreate a research proposal that provides a detailed plan for your research study that states your hypothesis, reports on sampling methods, and identifies how the data will be analyzed to answer the research question.By successfully completing this assessment, you will...
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Reproductive Anatomy

You have been assigned to teach a high school health class. Create a lesson on male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology. Be sure to highlight and distinguish the differences and similarities between the male and female reproductive systems.Prepare a lesson on male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology. Include the following in the lesson:The anatomy of both sexes.The...
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“Battling Bad Science”

Watch Ben Godacre's TedTalk, "Battling Bad Science." (At least 125 words for each answer) In your own words, explain the connection between what we are learning about information literacy and what Godacre is talking about? (It's there, promise).2. Find and explain your own example of research being "spun" or twisted to serve a purpose....
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Somatic Learning and SpiritualityEveryone can name times when the body communicates to us, whether it be a panic attack brought on by stress, a 'gut' reaction to a racist comment, an upset stomach as we contemplate complaining to a teacher or boss, or being drained and exhausted from an intense encounter. So why have we tended to ignore the body as a site for learning? The main reason seems to be...
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Religion, Race, & Nation

For the final research project, students have the option of completing a final research project or a final paper. If you choose to write the final paper, undergraduates will compose a 2500/3000 words research paper that further explores one of the course themes or a new topic that is chosen with consultation with the professor. The project contains a deeper reflection on how religion influences...
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organizational behavior

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an internal change agent rather than an external change agent? (answer in 5-7 sentences)2. Of the three major leadership theories the LPC theory, the path-goal theory, and Vrooms decision tree approach which is the most comprehensive?  Which is the narrowest?  Which has the most practical value? (answer in 5-7 sentences)3. Is most...
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