
Write a paper of at least 2,000 words . You can choose any of the following topics:Topic One. The Ethics of Abortion. Use as primary sources the two essays discussed in class (Thomson and Marquis). Explain as carefully as you can the nature of abortion as an ethical problem. Describe Thomson and Marquis views and explain how they differ and how they may, to some extent, overlap. Examine possible...
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Project# 3. The chairwoman of Really Big Company, Deborah Holly, is concerned about the use of emojis. Write a 600- word memo to Ms. Holly recommending an emoji ban and explaining why emojis should not be used in corporate communications. You must show at least two examples of emojis which might be misunderstood, and explain your recommended-implementation policy. In researching the topic you...
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Performance Lawn Equipment

Assignment: In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers. The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce...
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Performance Lawn Equipment

Assignment: In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers. The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce...
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Urban Planning Cover Letter

Please make it clear and passionate - I am applying to new job as Urban Planner for higher role.I will paste my current resume without personal information please use this as reference - I will also paste job Description please align with my current experience ------ Job DesriptionReviews and makes recommendations on City codes or policy changes as appropriate and based on experience with daily...
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Ethical Issues in Research

As you develop a research proposal, you must consider the ethical issues related to it.Determine the ethical considerations related to the research question you developed in Week 1.Consider the seven main principles of ethical research introduced in this week's learning activity, Research Ethics Guidance:Social and clinical valueScientific validityFair subject selectionFavorable risk-benefit...
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Some publicly traded companies have made embarrassing marketing missteps in recent years and have had to pull advertising or apologize publicly for the errors in marketing, Tweets, Facebook postings, and so forth. Write an essay about how you would aim to

Some publicly traded companies have made embarrassing marketing missteps in recent years and have had to pull advertising or apologize publicly for the errors in marketing, Tweets, Facebook postings, and so forth. Write an essay about how you would aim to prevent these errors. Cite specific examples of the errors and state whether you think the action the company took was effective to restore the...
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Master’s Thesis Title: The role of foreign in water supply in Dhaka (Methodology with results for Master’s thesis)

* Writer should be familiar with SDG and STATA software.* Font size should be 12 * No data collection table and image will be included in these 25 pages. I can provide WDI data. * I emphasize the model, analysis, explanation, and results and these must be included in these 15 pages. * If my emphasized requirements have been completed in less than 15 pages, then references and sources about...
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World History Final Exam

For this take-home exam you will write a long-answer response to one prompt from each of the sections below (four responses total). Responses must be focused, specific, well-written, and demonstrate a complex command of the relevant historical issues.Some ground rules for the responses:1. Each response should be at least 250 words, with the total length being 4-8 pages.2. Exams not turned in by...
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A major component of the grade in this grade is the company research paper.  The analytical paper will involve the assessment of a real-life organization.  The company analysis paper should consist of the following parts: 1. General overview and introduction to the company this section should provide a summary of the organization, including a brief history, a discussion of overall...
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