Proposition 13

Research Proposition 13 and public education funding in California by reading about it in your textbook and on the Internet. Analyze and evaluate the issue and write a one-page paper. Answer and follow the FOUR STEPS when writing the paper. The instructions and the 4 major steps are uploaded. Please make sure to follow and answer all the questions in the paper.
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The Media in The Hunger Games

Essay Format (6 Paragraphs) I) Your first paragraph will introduce The Hunger Games according to a theme (TheMedia for Question 1 or Behavior, actions or ideas in Question 2 and explain how atheorist helps add to your understanding of the novel. The last sentence will state yourthesis or argument. II) Your second paragraph will briefly explain the argument of the theorist that you havechosen, and...
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United States and Cuba

you have to write a "critical analysis of the diplomatic relations between USA and Cuba with a history of conflict, offering diplomatic solutions to improve their relations."Your paper should include the following elements:- the historical background to the conflict between them- the state of relations between the two countries today- your proposed  diplomatic solutions to improve...
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Building a Health History

How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patients social determinants of health?What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?Identify any...
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Plastic problem

Just a quick writing. Please help me to write the thesis statement more specific based on the entire essay. Also, the topic sentences and/or the transitioning between paragraphs, especially the sentences that highlight with the red color (see the attached file below). The first sentence (topic sentence) in each paragraph should give some idea of the material to be covered in the whole paragraph....
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Movie director

(College essay)Must answer ALL of the essay prompts below 1. Tell us about your interest in the areas of cinema arts, entertainment, or creative media. 2. What area of the entertainment arts or creative media most excites you? 3. Why are you interested in pursuing your degree at CCH? 4. What are your creative, artistic, and/or professional aspirations?
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Perspectives on Politics

Write an essay on the current younger generations approach to politics. Discuss the role played by political ideas and movements in the everyday life of you demographical portion of society (people aged 18-30).Here are a few guidelines in the form of questions to be answered: What interests are shared by most members of your generation? What demands are made in the name of a better future? How...
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Opposition to slavery existed since before the American Revolution and increased as northern states abolished it by 1820.  In the 1830s the abolitionist movement became more vocal, commencing with the establishment of a newspaper, the Liberator, edited by William Lloyd Garrison.  As support for abolition increased it preoccupied the nation to the point that it ultimately resulted in the...
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Description of a client

Agency is a high schoolcan choose either one of these cases:The client is a teen boy who traveled the border alone, trauma-basedabandonment issue. also has expressed multiple personalities or teen girl, Armenian strict household under a tight leash, not allowed to do many things parents control what she does on her phone via an app. was caught dating someone outside of the cultureas well as...
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Highbrow/Lowbrow by Lawrence W. Levine

Where does this book fit into the literature dealing with the topic of popular culture in American history?  What does the topic of the book tell us about the culture of the United States at that time period? Since the works publication, how have conditions changed and how have they remained the same? To what extend has this manifestation of popular culture shaped cultural attitudes,...
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