Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need to write a concise essay of no more than 500 words (2-page), I have to explain my reasoning for seeking an advanced degree in business, describing how the program will help me to facilitate my career goals. I need to include my professional and executive experience in detail that relates to the pursuance of the EMBA program. I need to explain what I considered my most significant...
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Why Prisons dont work

Write a 5 paragraph essay about the essay that starts on page 150 in the textbook, Why Prisons Don't Work.  You are arguing a position, that your views are the correct way of looking at this topic.  There is no right and wrong.  You are just supposed to write a good academic essay that analyzes ideas presented by the author as being logical and making sense or not.  I won't...
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discussion response

You must reply to at least two colleagues in a manner that extends the discussion. A simple "I agree/disagree" will not be accepted. respond in a manner that further extends the discussion. respond to the posts below,post 1.I believe there are several parties that are at fault for this crisis. One of the key players in the crash were the lenders. In the late 90s, Fannie Mae wanted to allow just...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

complete the evidence synthesis table...the blank table is attached..I have already added the articles to the table in the key. There also is an example attached on what the completed one should look like. Attached will be all 8 articles to review to be able to complete the table. *This does not need a title page..all that is needed is a reference page. ****Again this is just to fill out the...
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discussion response

You must reply to at least two colleagues in a manner that extends the discussion. A simple "I agree/disagree" will not be accepted. respond in a manner that further extends the discussion. respond to the posts below,post 1.Carpe Diem spending is out of control in this country, in my opinion.  We have continually proven that we will spend beyond our means as long as someone is there to help...
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Discussion for taxi driver (1976) and one flew over the cuckoos nest (1975)

Please consider - both content analysis: things like themes, symbols, characters, plot, setting, social commentary, as well as formal analysis: things like mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound, and editing.Both of our films for this unit are considered classics from the 1970s. They were released in back to back years, and were both nominated for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, and Best Acting...
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discussion response

write two different posts, about one page each (subject - Introduction to energy finance)You need to post a link in every forum regardless of whether you have Student's Choice or not. Be aware that articles from "Investopedia" and "Wikipedia" do not need to be more academic than that.The topic for the last two discussions for this semester is open discussion. This means that you may...
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IDEAL SOCIETY ASSIGNMENTS Goal: These project steps are designed to promote research, commentary and expression of your understanding of the ideal society your commentary about Utopia.

A. Ideal Society Final Essay (100* pts.) This is a commentary analyzing and evaluating different perspectives of the ideal society, including your own.  Determine what concepts should be analyzed by considering these types of questions:    Are there aspects related to class topics?  (Task book-related material like education, patriotism, ethics, the environment or the Ideal...
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How did the town influence the crime that is committed in A Rose for Emily?

Using only the sources included and the original material itself, synthesize a literary analysis around "A Rose For Emily" (provided), using and citing at least two of the provided sources (no other sources allowed). The main topic is to discuss how the town motivates the crime that is committed in the story. Please do not discuss Homer's sexual preferences. This is to be a research-driven...
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influence in Chinese modern or contemporary art.

4-5 pages double spaced, 12 point fontPlease type your paper. Where you refer to specific images, include a few of them at the end of your paper.This paper will be an argumentative essay rather than a research report, though you will use research in gathering evidence to support your argument. Remember that when we speak of an argument in this context, we dont mean a fight. Rather, we mean a...
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