Professional Teaching Standards

1. Watch and take notes on the classroom instruction video: 2. As you are taking notes, think about how the teacher's practice falls in line with the NC Professional Teaching Standards 2,3, & 4. See attached descriptions of standards.Standard 2 - Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of...
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Research paper on world history.

RESEARCH PAPER Any course topic from 15th century to today      Set in World History perspective RESEARCH QUESTION related to the World History discipline Writing assignment based on a research topic of your choice related to the course. The paper should be around 3,000 words. You should have a bibliography for works referred to and these should be cited in-text. The quality of...
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Psychology Test

Each question should be double-spaced using a 12 font size.  Each test has six essay questions and you are to answer five of them.  Each essay question is worth 20 points and each answer should be approximately 200 words in length.  Some questions may require more than 200 words and some may require less.  The entire test should be around 1000 words. Please number the answers!...
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Introduction to marketing

Once you have read the assigned chapters for the week, answer the related discussion question below. Three posts are required for this week's discussion. Your first post to should answer the assigned question and your next two posts (which are responses to other students' or the instructor's posts) should be done on two other separate days. You should post on at least three separate days...
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"William Wilberforce and the Idea of 'Negro Inferiority." Of all the arguments, social, racial, economic or what have you which argument for slavery does this article indicate was the most difficult for the abolitionists to contend with (argue against) and the most difficult for Parliament to ignore? How does the brief newspaper article "From the Diary on the Abolition of the African Tarde"...
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Quality improvement in the nursing unit or system

Part II: Evaluate how the topic applies to 2 of the following course competencies.Integrate concepts related to leadership into the professional nursing role.Analyze the philosophy, goals, and organizational structure of a healthcare system in relationship to the delivery of quality healthcare.Compare selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare...
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US Constitution

We learned this week that the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly provide for the right to privacy.Do some research into this issue --- here is a good place to start: your thoughts on this matter --- should the U.S. Constitution be amended to specifically define a right to privacy or, do you feel that the holdings of the U.S. Supreme Court (and tell me which cases) are sufficient protection in...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion Forums: Students will be provided with an article(s) on a political issue and will be required to submit the following:1) Students will write a 400, not to exceed 450, word position paper over the work assigned by the instructor. The bibliography and heading do not count towards the required word count. The paper must be written in MLA format, double spaced, and include a bibliography...
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