Any topic (writer’s choice)

Zamboni Manufacturing Company allows employees to purchase materials, such as metal and lumber, for personal use at a price equal to the companys cost.  To purchase materials, an employee must complete a materials requisition form, which must then be approved by the employees immediate supervisor. Bryan Nadman, an assistant cost accountant, then charges the employee an amount based on...
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Research Essay Assignment

need to follow the research essay proposal 4. Research Essay AssignmentWeighting: 40% of final course gradeDo not complete this assignment until you have completed and received feedback on your Research Essay Proposal.Your essay should be about 4,000 to 5,000 words, or 16 to 20 double-spaced, typed pages plus a title page and a References page. Please note: If you do not cite your sources and...
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IT Password Requirement Essay

Your boss wants to implement new password requirements. She'd like you to make a recommendation on what the new requirements will be. She knows this is new for you, so she expects you to do some research and present your recommendations, fully cited with the resources you used to write those recommendations. Your paper should be between 600 and 800 words, and should describe the current issues...
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Describe the principles of genetics and genomics.

CompetencyDescribe the principles of genetics and genomics.ScenarioAs you work with your preceptor, you learn that she is planning a training session for all new nurses to familiarize them with principles of genetics and genomics using data from a three-generation family pedigree. She asks your help in building a pedigree and genogram to reflect inherited genetic disease processes. You agree to...
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Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it.

Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:What is the pathophysiology of one STIWhat is the etiology of the selected STIWhat are the clinical manifestations of the selected STIWhat is the treatment for the selected STIUse at least one scholarly source to support your findings....
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E-Cars is a Private Corporation. We have limited information however we have obtainedtheir financial statements. Please use the financial statements provided and the information below.Their Mission Statement is Below:E-Cars was founded by a group of engineers who wanted to prove that people didnt needto compromise to drive electric that electric vehicles can be better, quicker, and more funto...
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Political analysis of American cinema

American cinema, usually viewed as entertainment, often also engages in politics. Movies offer, among other things, an alternative way to present arguments and project views. Select, view, and critically analyze a film. Examples of suitable films include American Hustle and Wall Street. How does the film represent Americans from the standpoint of, for instance, beliefs, values, opinions, norms,...
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