Visual Analysis Blog Post

Blog Prompt for Ihara Saikakus Life of a Sensuous Woman ( Visual Analysis)In his  text Life of a Sensuous Woman (1668).Ihara Saikaku writes in the tradition or genre of ukiyo-zoshi or books of the floating world, a form of vernacular fiction depicting life, foibles, and adventures in the pleasure centers or red light districts of Edo Japan. Before the  ukiyo-zoshi emerged there were...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Last time in class, we discussed Innovation and Change. This assignment is intended to make you think about change as it relates to the future of work. Here is a link to the assignment video (there is also a podcast option). Copy and paste the link, do not click on it! After watching the video, create a new discussion thread that answers these questions: What was the most interesting statement...
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Strategic Management

Strategic ManagementYou are required to select an Organization in the United Arab Emirates and conduct the following analysis:1-    What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)2-    Identify the major goals of the company. What are its short-term versus long-term goals? What resources must the firm acquire to achieve...
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Higher-Order Thinking Strategies Template and Reflection

Physical Education 7th Grade Louisiana StandardsIt is crucial for teachers to be aware of and implement several strategies that promote higher-order thinking.Part 1: Higher-Order Thinking Strategies Template For this assignment, complete the Higher-Order Thinking Strategies Template. Select a Louisiana state standard that differs from the lesson you delivered in your Clinical Field Experience and...
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Intellectual Property theft

please use the provided references website beside yours.All Provided material has copyright. your internship assignment takes you to the Corporate Security office, headed by the Chief Security Officer (CSO). This office has recently completed an investigation into how a competitor may have obtained copies of the confidential architectural drawings and design plans for a new type of resort that...
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A Modest Proposal – Swift

In a well-written paper of no fewer than 400 original words, answer the following question.  Be sure to put a word count excluding titles and quotes on the paper.Be sure to include your word count minus any direct quotes, use paragraphs, and appropriate capitalization.  Submissions missing any of these will be graded "0."This piece is a satire.  One of the functions of satire is to...
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Comparing the Roman and Byzantine Empires

When Rome declined, the western half of the empire formed the Byzantine Empire. The eastern half became the Holy Roman Empire. Because the Byzantine Empire came from the fall of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had many similarities with Rome. In addition to these similarities, there were also several differences between these two empires. These similarities and differences helped shape the...
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graphic design

Let's talk about McLuhan's theory of extensions and amputations. Most of us would agree that the invention of movable type and printing has been responsible for much social and cultural progress. In McLuhan's model, the development of movable type can be seen as a key "extension" of human vision. However, McLuhan proposes that "extensions" are always accompanied by "amputations." In other words,...
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