love Letter

hi, Ive written a draft, I need that to be worked on again please. Its a letter I have written for my girlfriend. 1. we are in a long distance 2. she has been there for me through everything no matter what 3.she has changed me so much after coming into my life 4. she's also a strong reason for our relationship to work too 5. we video call everyday, so there is constant communication 6. I want to...
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Implications of Social Media Use in Participatory in Budgeting in Monroe County

TOPIC: Implication of Social Media Use in Participatory in Budgeting in Monroe County, Indiana.Write/correct and follow ALL the instructions and comments written in "Blue fonts" by the right hand corner of the Prospectus,  and make sure that you CITE and  REFERENCE any QUOTATION (S) on the following: Purpose,Significance, Background, ( PLEASE CHECK THE COMMENTS ON FIRST...
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Discussion 3

Analyze and evaluate a Human Ecology Current Events article. The article must be published during the  term that the course is taken. Write an analysis and evaluation of the article, paying particular attention to the  scientific accuracy of the material and focusing on how any problems addressed in the article could have  been avoided in the first place or the lessons that can be...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

VIEW THE FILM AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE FILM.THE STORY OF VINH (56 minutes) is the story? Did you pick up on the dualism what are the two competing stories? How is Vinh Dinhs being a failed model minority compare to Don Bonus? (On the filmic as well as on the individual level) Can you...
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I need you to evaluate your own community (Denver, Colorado) in terms of integrated approaches to public health. Select a focus on disease prevention and control, air, water, or food. What community-based strategies do you see in place to protect h

I need you to evaluate your own community (Denver, Colorado) in terms of integrated approaches to public health. Select a focus on disease prevention and control, air, water, or food.    What community-based strategies do you see in place to protect health?    What health services, local organizations, or national organizations exist to support wellness in your area of...
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Impulsive Buying Decisions In Fashion

I want a 700-800 word of the rationale/ Introduction (     Should set out the purpose and scope of the dissertation clearly introducing the background context and the research question showing why this research is important through a clear rationale, aims, and objectives) for my research paper with Harvard citations, graphs, 3-4 Aims, and objectives. research is based on...
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Aging And Society

For this assignment, you are to identify a news article in the popular press about an aging-related topic that has been published in the past 3 months.   You are to summarize the story and evaluate its credibility.   You are expected to read the article critically.  Think about your critique as a conversation with someone about the topic, with you as the aging...
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Week 1

 Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Define patient compliance and explain its importance in your field. Identify the health care professionals' role in compliance and give examples of ways in which the health care professional may actually contribute to noncompliance. Compare compliance and...
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  `1.  Identify an example of a company, its product and production process (either a job shop (e.g. project process or batch process) or a flow shop (e.g. line process or continuous process)). 2.  What is the product? What is the production process? How does the product tie to the companys competitive priorities? 3.  Extend the product brand with a new product requiring a...
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case study cuba

case study is attached. answer these 2 questions below. use apa format. Case Questions1.    6-15. Research updates on the business environment. Pick a company you are familiar with and do a SWOT analysis for considering entering the Cuban market.2.    6-16. What entry strategy do you think would work best for this company?
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