
Define Mail Merge and its use. List at least three types of mail merge documents you can create using the Mail Merge task pane in Word. Describe how to use mail merge to send a letters to those on a mailing list?  Also, read and respond to AT LEAST 2 other students to show that you have learned and can also appreciate what they are describing.
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Vaccination of All Children in The United States Should Be Mandatory

Debate Speech Outline (Must Be Typed)Requirements:Minimum of five sources at least one is non-electronic (meaning information source is a book, magazine, or newspaper that originated in a print format) and one must be a video source.Bibliography page in MLA Format Follows outline given belowCorrect in-text citations with use of quotes, paraphrase or summaryPoints to RememberUse MLA parenthetical...
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GSA Wants You

Imagine you are a service-disabled veteran and made your hobby of building model airplanes into a smallbusiness that produces very small remote control aircrafts capable of long sustained flights. You areready to reply to a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Schedules solicitation.Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:1. Describe the electronic submission process and the...
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Preparing a formal PresentationFor week's 3 and 4, you will be using a presentation software package to create a short training or informational presentation.  The purpose of this project is to both develop and then highlight your skills with using presentation software.  The presentation you prepare should be applicable to your existing business, church, or social organization. The...
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Family Therapy

The Case Assignment for this course will be an application of the below concepts explored to a family you know well. Details can be fabricated if necessary. Use initials to identify members. This is a clinical, objective, observational analysis of the family system, explained in a third-person narrative.Please read attachment for more instructions.
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Start this discussion forum by searching the internet for authoritative references regarding formal instructional presentations. Discuss some or all of the following: (a) Length, (b) use of PowerPoint slides, (c) do's and don't's of an effective presentation, and (d) effective slide design. For this posting, cite a minimum of 2 resources that support your findings
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Case Study

Read and analyze the case, answer the questions, and prepare a report.  DO NOT COPY THE CASE!  Include only your answers.  Put a header containing your name and Communication of Patient Information.  Put your reference (s) at the end of the report.  The report content should be at least 2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font.Include this reference:...
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Understanding By Design (UDB) framework

Understanding by Design is one method for designing curriculum. The UbD framework is used when developing curriculum maps, unit plans, and daily lesson plans. Educators who consider learning theories in their planning, can best determine assessment types and rich learning experiences to meet the desired learning outcomes.This presentation is meant to be professional development that could be used...
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Health Law

Read and analyze the 3 cases.  Answer the questions in all 3 cases and prepare a report.  DO NOT COPY THE CASES!  Include only your answers in the report.  Include your reference(s) at the end of the report.  The report content should be at least 3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font.Include referece: Pozgar, G. D. (2019). Legal aspects of health care...
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Describe a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s

Purpose: to informMethod of Development: descriptionChoose your own topic, but make sure that the topic allows you to be able to describe it (using multiple aspects of sensory detail: smell, sight, touch, taste, sound). You can choose to describe a place, your favorite piece of clothing, an event, your cell phone, a friend, or something else totally different. If you have something in mind but...
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