Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each reading response should be two double-spaced pages and must include a detailed response to the assigned reading. Include at least three things you liked or disliked about the reading as well as why you had these reactions. Offer two to three questions about each reading that you would like to discuss with the class.
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

a paper in the form of an APA formatted article that addresses the following questions. Please use apply concepts and theories learned from the textbook ch 5 and 6 to support your ideas, including at least 1 intext citation.o    What are the changes related to production that might have reduced the cost of solar energy and made it into a more affordable source of energy? ...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

ilm 5: The Lazarus Effect2010 (30m)The Lazarus Effect shows people at the beginning of their treatment when they are gravely ill, returning a few months later to follow their progression to health. This film is a hopeful one, yet a reminder that almost 4,000 people still die every day from AIDS in Africa because not all people who need access to the treatment have it.FILM ONLINE: 5: Discussion...
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Case Study : Bajau People

Please 2 pages and the  Reference is the 3th.Description:Students will be assigned a particular group of peoples to be examined: provide a brief ethnographic report; identify a biological variation/adaptation specific to that group, and provide a critical analysis for the interrelation among the biological, and cultural mechanisms at play. 1)Who are the Peoples?  Where are they from?...
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Ted Kaczynski

Additionally students are required to include in this research paper 3 additional peer reviewed journal articles. The paper length should be 7 to 9 pages.Student are required to utilize APA writing style. This assignment is worth 100 points and no late papers will be accepted. Additionally, any paper that does not have proper notation and cited sources will be considered plagiarism thus a failing...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part of the reading in this session covers the revision process. Look at the feedback that you instructor has given you on your first paper. How can you apply it to future papers? Take this time to ask your instructor for any clarification regarding their comments                  Here are two things to focus on:1. In the introduction paragraph, you...
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Race and Gender

Answer the following questions 130 words would be fine for both question just answer straight to the point !1.According to Barak in this week's reading: Why are many Americans disturbed by discussions of social classes, inequality, and the lack of class mobility in America? And in what impact does that have when discussing criminal justice?2.Given that the United States is more punative than any...
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Since the start of the pay-for-performance and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), there has been intense pressure on the healthcare sector to improve quality of care while reducing expenses, specifically related to pharmacy. The stress has been exacerbated by expensive specialty medications, egregious price increases for some sole-source drug products, and the escalation of...
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Write a program that reads an integer (greater than 0) from the console and flips the digits of the number, using the arithmetic operators // and %, while only printing out the even digits in the flipped order. Make sure that your program works for any number of digits.Write a program that takes the size of a file (in bytes) as input from the user and converts it to the nearest whole number...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Field, et al say that L.A. Rebellion filmmakers were countercinema practitioners breaking from the formal hegemony of classical Hollywood cinema sought a storytelling form that would be more authentic to their subject *  Choose one of the films viewed in class (Rich, Shipley Street, Your Children Come Back to You) and in 250 to 300 words address how the filmmaker broke from the formal...
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