
  The intent of social psychology research has been and still is to explain how circumstances are more a power determinant of individual behavior than our own intuitions lead us to believe. Research on obedience and compliance is focused less on explaining why obedience can be a good thingwhich it canand more on explaining why people obey/comply with demands when they would likely...
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  The intent of social psychology research has been and still is to explain how circumstances are more a power determinant of individual behavior than our own intuitions lead us to believe. Research on obedience and compliance is focused less on explaining why obedience can be a good thingwhich it canand more on explaining why people obey/comply with demands when they would likely...
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Discussion Post

You were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at all?  Why?  
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Discussion Post

You were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at all?  Why?  
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Week 2 Discussion

 Operations Strategy" Please respond to the following: Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS. Apply Hills Strategy Development Framework to them. For each company you chose, compare and contrast each sector of the framework and determine which key area(s) provide(s) a competitive advantage. Provide at least two examples to support your...
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Week 2 Discussion

 Operations Strategy" Please respond to the following: Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS. Apply Hills Strategy Development Framework to them. For each company you chose, compare and contrast each sector of the framework and determine which key area(s) provide(s) a competitive advantage. Provide at least two examples to support your...
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Research Design

Analyze: Different Research DesignsEvaluation Title: Research DesignFor this first assignment, you will analyze different types of research. To begin, please read and view the following materials: Rice University. (2017). 2.2 Approaches to research (Links to an external site.). in, Psychology. OpenStax. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2010). 2.2 Psychologists...
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Research Design

Analyze: Different Research DesignsEvaluation Title: Research DesignFor this first assignment, you will analyze different types of research. To begin, please read and view the following materials: Rice University. (2017). . in, Psychology. OpenStax. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2010). . In Introduction to Psychology. Select one research design from column...
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